Sapphire Awards - FAQ
The Sapphire Awards criteria was created and endorsed by our members to ensure the awards maintain the highest level of integrity.
Each candidate must first be nominated by an industry professional.
The nominee must complete the nomination application and requirements.
The nominee will then be judged in their category.
Nominations must be submitted by November 30, 2024.
Nominee Applications are due December 30, 2024.
The nominee must complete the nomination application and requirements.
- 1. Visit our awards portal.
- 2. Create a username and password.
- 3. Click on the nomination button.
- 4. Fill out the information and submit your form.
You will receive an email from our awards portal once you are nominated.
Visit our awards portal. Create a username and password.
Select the category you were nominated for, and submit all required assets.
Visit our awards portal.
Each category is assigned to 3 judges.
Those judges are from 3 different management companies and are not made aware of whom else is judging the same category.
Each judge reviews and scores every question for the nominee.
The scores are averaged and the nominee with the highest average score is the award recipient for that category.
The minimum requirements and standards for each category is stated on the application.
Those judges are from 3 different management companies and are not made aware of whom else is judging the same category.
The scores are averaged and the nominee with the highest average score is the award recipient for that category.
All nominees and award recipients will be announced at The Sapphire Awards Banquet. All candidates & teams will need to register to attend.
Click the register to attend button to reserve your spot.
Click the register to attend button to reserve your spot.